Saturday, January 19, 2008

Organizing Hawaii Conservation Voters

Lots of people ask why an effective conservation voters’ organization needs three separate branches. It doesn’t sound very efficient, and it adds overhead. However, the IRS, as well as the laws relating to political activities, dictate the limits on what each organization can do. Thus, three separate organizations are required:

1. A political action committee (PAC) can advocate for individual candidates. No other organization can do that. Contributions to a PAC are not deductible.

2. A 501(c)3 is a nonprofit organization limited politically to organizational and educational activities. A 501(c)3 can advocate for issues with up to 20% of its budget, but it cannot advocate for candidates.

3. A 501(c)4, on the other hand, can advocate for issues as well as lobby legislators with only one restriction; a 501(c)4 cannot recommend a specific candidate. Specific candidate recommendations must be done by a PAC. Also, contributions to the (c)4 are not tax deductable.

The Hawaii Conservation Voters is our 501(c)4. We are forming a political action committee called the Hawaii League of Conservation Voters. The name is well branded and recognized by people and the press. It should be well received in new releases and advertising.

We need to organize a 501(c)3, so we will be able to accommodate contributors who need a tax deduction. We have not yet determined the name of our (c)3 and suggestions are welcome.

Okay -- so that explains how the Hawaii Conservation Voters is organized and why the organization needs to be so complex. Now we need you to participate;

VOTE intelligently;
Share what you know with us and with your friends.

Your donations of time and money will help us pay the expenses of volunteers, pay legislative monitors when necessary, publish a legislative score card, and buy advertising for the coming elections.

If we are going to make our grassroots concerns heard over the shouting of big money lobbyists, we are going to need all the support you can give. The National League of Conservation Voters has agreed to provide a matching grant of $10,000 if we raise the matching amount from individual donations. Please help us to meet this goal.

Hawaii needs informed and concerned voters who know what their candidates for office have done regarding environmental issues in the past. It’s not what candidates say that is important, it is what they do and have done.

HCV knows their records and positions; we want everyone else to know as well.

National League of Conservation Voters - Presidential Voter Guide is availabe on line at:

Bill Sager

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