Sunday, January 20, 2008

Changes to EIS trigger

Interpretation of the recently passed legislation to permit Super Ferry operation without an EIS requires an project that fronts on a state or county road to do an EIS.

It is causing a major burden on small projects. On the other hand, patching the EIS law with a band aide may also have unintended consequences.

This article in the Advertiser outlines the problem pretty well and interview people on both sides of the issue.

I cannot post it because of copyright issues so take a look at it and let us know what you think. It is a complicated and potentially damaging issue. I'm always leary when an administration want to push through a "fix" without adequate discussion.

Governor Lingle has created a major mess when she circumvented EIS requirements for the super ferry. Also, she refused 2 years ago to release funds for a study of the EIS requirement. Neocons in the Bush administration have done all they can to gut the federal EIS law. Looks like Lingle is in step with the national.

No one intended that an EIS be triggered simply because a project fronts on a publick road, but what are the consequences of a quick fix?

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