Sunday, March 16, 2008

Solar on all new homes

Can you imagine every new home built in Hawai'i with solar on the roof? We could make it happen if SB 644 passes. Please submit testimony in support of this measure before the next committee votes on it Tuesday (18th). Sample testimony is below. Some things to think about:

Solar water heaters make economic and environmental sense for most houses in Hawai'i. They can save a typical household over $600 on O'ahu, over $700 on Maui, $900 on the Big Island, and over $1000 on Kaua'i. They reduce the carbon footprint of a typical household by about 2.5 tons of greenhouse gas.
Despite the robust and healthy solar industry in Hawai'i, most new and existing homes lack solar water heaters. While efforts have been made to get builders to include them as a standard feature in new homes, most houses still are built without them. Take a look at some recent developments on O'ahu with hundreds of houses that lack solar here and here. Now here's a development with solar on every unit (Navy housing).
Both Spain and Israel mandate solar on each new residence. The Navy and Air Force have made it a standard feature on the new homes they build in Hawai'i.
For more information, please visit our site, or read a story on the bill from the Advertiser.
Please email your testimony to the EDB Committee ( before Monday night. Here's a sample for ideas (please try to put in your own words--points for originality):

Tuesday, March 18th, 8:45am
Testimony in Support of SB 644 SD3 HD1

Chair Yamashita and members of the Committee:
I strongly support SB 644 SD3 HD1, mandating that new homes come equipped with solar water heaters where practical. This measure is a critical step in securing Hawaii’s energy future, reducing our contribution to global climate change, and improving the affordability of housing in Hawai‘i. Although environmentally friendly solar water heaters save homeowners money, the vast majority of homes in Hawai`i use fossil fuels to heat their water. Even more surprising, the majority of new homes built in Hawai‘i also lack solar water heaters—despite the ease of installing them when the house is under construction. SB 644 SD3 is a common-sense policy to require that developers have the long-term interest of new home buyers in mind.

Your name and address

If you want to send an email to the entire Committee with personal comments about the measure's importance, click here. Or contact the Chair and Vice Chair directly:
Chair Kyle Yamashita, phone 586-6330, email
Vice Chair Glenn Wakai, phone 586-6220, email

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