Sunday, March 16, 2008

Information sources re Hawaii Trees and Weeds

"Common Forest Trees of Hawaii: Native and Introduced" by Elbert
Little and Roger Skolmen has been the bible of Hawaii foresters since
it was published by the USDA Forest Service in 1989. We have now
posted all the individual tree chapters on our website:
These cover 152 common trees in Hawaii, from tree ferns to koa to
eucalyptus. The full book, reformatted for easier reading, is
available at cost from CTAHR; order blanks are available on the web at

We have also posted all 146 species profiles from CTAHR's "Weeds of
Hawaii's Pastures and Natural Areas" by Philip Motooka and others (2003):
Each profile contains information on identification, distribution,
environmental impact, and chemical management of the most common
weeds in Hawaii. The printed book also features a visual key to aid
in identification and is for sale from CTAHR; order blanks are on the
web at URL

For safe and effective methods of using herbicides in pastures,
forests, and natural areas, see the free CTAHR publication
"Herbicidal Weed Control Methods for Pastures and Natural Areas in
Hawaii", URL

Thanks to Jody Smith, who created the index pages to make these books

We have updated our web page on koa wilt:
New research from Nick Dudley and Aileen Yeh at HARC and cooperators
Bob James and Richard Sniezko of the US Forest Service has shown that
the situation is more complicated than we had at first thought, and
that several species of Fusarium are pathogenic on koa seedlings, not
only Fusarium oxysporum. Their report, "Pathogenicity of four
Fusarium species on Acacia koa seedlings", is available on the above website.

J. B. Friday

J. B. Friday, PhD
Extension Forester
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
University of Hawaii at Manoa

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