Monday, January 21, 2008

Keana Point

Nothing is ever simple. Fisherman access to Kaena Point is the downside of trying to protect the area from off road vehicles that have been tearing up the area for years. What is at stake? Both Hawaiian graves and endangered plants and birds are being run over and distrode by irresponsible off roading.

Off road vehicles have been largely ignore, but recently DOCARE has been issueing tickets to trespassers both off road vehicles and fisherman vehicles.

Carol Cox has a detailed and fairly balanced article at:

What he didn't cover and what has ulua fishermen even more upset than vehicle access is that if they set up a bed for the kids with a mosquito net over it they are being sited for camping and removed from the beach. Seems like an unreasonable interpretation of the camping regulations, but what's new in a buracracy?

The proposal to fence the extreme end of Kaena Point to protect birds and endangered plants from preditors will exclude fishermen's vehicles. They are going to have to pack their gear in if they want to fish.

Kaena point represents some of Hawaii's most fragile ecosystems. In the controversy between fishermen access and protecting the birds, I side with the birds but expect strong opposition to the fencing project.

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