Sunday, March 16, 2008

HCR 219

There is conflict within those who have been working with Kawainui Marsh for decades.

SB 3206
Establishes the Kawai Nui marsh advisory council; appropriates moneys to DLNR for the work of the council.

HCR 219 requests the department of land and natural resources to regularly consult with Ho‘olaulima ia Kawai Nui to coordinate efforts to protect, preserve, and maintain the natural, cultural, and scenic resources of Kawai Nui Marsh.

Well respected people are pushing each approach to managing the Marsh. Everyone agrees that there needs to be community participation in the management of the marsh.

SB3206 sets up a formal, quasi-governmental organization that DLNR is required to support and listen to.

The resolution recommends DLNR take advise from a specific group, Hoolaulima, and sets up an organization that will advise DLNR concerning Marsh management.

From my point of view both the bill and the resolution have good features. They are complimentary. If the bill fails, the resolution is a backup. Testimony should support both efforts although if the bill passes the reso would not be appropriate.

The bottom line, we need a community organization which can influence the management of Kawainui Marsh. Both the bill and the reso are efforts to acomplish that.

Bill Sager

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